An artistic depiction, of Jesus Christ... on Mars (while transporting, 'a sheep')

5:00 PM (7/23/24):
"Get busy living, or get busy... ...dying..." - Andy Drufesne
"...and that means, what... to me...?" - Car Repair Dude ('paraphrasing')

10:04 AM (7/23/24):
When I read this article, I thought to myself... 'this kid (Shi Haojia)' is 'going places'...
Sticking around, till humans have the technological capability... ...of reaching, 'a' different galaxy... ...would be an undertaking, requiring exceptional spiritual fortification, intellectual prowess... ...and surgical expertise... ...but potentially, worthwhile... ...assuming, striving for such an ideal... ...could give rise, to feats... ...than would not manifest, were it not... ...for such, ambition...
10:07 AM (7/23/24):
...It has been said, that if you shoot for the moon, and miss... will land, among... the stars...
In truth, if you shoot for the stars... may land on the moon (this, has been demonstrated)... ...a great trajectory, tends to cover... ...greater distance (than a lowly one)...
10:11 AM (7/23/24):
...It has also been said, 'the sky, is the limit'... ....but in truth, one should ask:
'...why say the sky, is the limit... ...when there are footprints, on the moon...?'
Who are the X-Men, of tomorrow...? Each human, has his/her own talents and gifts... ...but there is a difference between having talent, and being gifted... Each component, can be developed... give rise, to one's potential...
10:37 AM (7/23/24):

10:53 AM (7/23/24):

"The future belongs, to those who believe... the beauty... of, their dreams..." - Eleanor Roosevelt
I guess this depends, on what your dreams... ...are...
"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... will never enter, the Kingdom... of Heaven'..." - Matthew 18:3
There is a difference, between being 'like a child (immature)'... ...and child-like (retaining the qualities and interests, one had... a child... ...along, with the innocence... 'of youth')...

9:12 AM (7/23/24):
"In life, there are consequences... ...for all of our actions (action and inaction). Action is often kinetic, while inaction... of, potential... Action is a motion-based action, while inaction... is a cessation-based action; both options... ...result, in consequences... ...given the nature, of our reality...
9:16 AM (7/23/24):
...Humans were endowed with freewill... ...and can conscientiously influence, the direction... ...of their lives (despites what advocates of 'determinism,' may think)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:36 AM (7/23/24):
Moments ago, I had this notion:
My dad 'was' still alive (hypothetically), and he said to me:
'...Son, I was online... ...and I identified some vacation location candidates...'
(such a scenario, would have been at odds... ...with his personality - my dad and I never, never went on vacation - one-on-one... the context, of father-son relations... - he raised 3 sons; me, being the eldest)

7:34 AM (7/23/24):
Good scene, from the 2003 movie 'Bruce Almighty'... ....regarding the nature, of 'prayer'...


"Be like water, my friend..." - Bruce Lee

"There is a difference, between saying one believes in God.... ...and genuinely believing, in God... the context, of Jesus Christ ('God the Son')... Actions speak louder than words, and genuine faith... typically substantiated, by a track record... ...of consistency (staying on a 'spiritually intended path,' without frequent wavering)... Hypocrites, are often those... ...who do not, have 'genuine faith'... ...assuming, they have such... all..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:11 PM (7/22/24):
At 7:55 PM on 7/22/24 (when crossing the street, to go to ShopRite)... ...I had a random thought, which I texted to myself... ...via my cell phone. Such was:
'When you escape hell, there is a tendency... not want, to 'go back'...'
I had bought water, and bananas... (at 8:02 PM)

8:58 PM (7/22/24):
Some time before 12 PM, on 7/20/24... ...I declared myself, to be... a 'dimensional kai'...

8:51 PM (7/22/24):
"About '3' minutes ago, I was watching 'Nightline'... ...via ABC News (online)... ...and found out, that Shaquille O'Neal had retired from the NBA... age 39. The segment that I watched, merely gave me the notion... ...that the transition from one's twenties to thirties, is likely smoother... ...than the transition, from one's thirties to forties... ...regarding one's numbness, to time's passage... I believe that for those, who are not actively engaged... with 'time capitalization'... ...time's passage, can have a 'compounding effect'... ...for those, who feel... such, was not put... good use (wasted, in a sense)..." - Michael Izuchukwu



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