(walking towards City Hall, in Philadelphia, PA... at 3:16 PM, on 8/25/22)

('walking on such')
"Are you with me...?" - D.V.'s body language (Instagram snapshot, from 11:58 AM - Eastern Standard Time... on 4/8/23)

12:03 PM (4/8/23):
"Indeed, Denis (Denis Vashurin/D.V.) ..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:09 PM (4/8/23):

To translate from Russian to English, words from the Russian alphabet (which consists of 33 letters) are converted into English letters (of the English alphabet, which consists of 26 letters)... and then the English letters, are subject to a secondary translation (to convert such, into English words)...

9:32 AM (4/8/23):
"A list of the people from the bible, who lived the longest (the top 24, of 39... that are presently visible, via Wikipedia)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
"...a certain spirituality, likely accounts... for Denis Vashurin's expedited experience, of 'asymptotic aging'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (3:33-10:00)

"The first video (within the 'above' blog) is of 'particular interest,' it seems... 125 billion (125,000,000,000) is one-sixteenth of 2 trillion (2,000,000,000,000)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:53 AM (4/8/23):
The estimate of '120 billion,' was recently updated to '125 billion'... regarding galaxies, in the 'observable universe'... which is conventionally thought of as 'the universe'...

8:39 AM (4/8/23):
"I spoke with my mom for 2 seconds longer, than displayed above (a total of 10 minutes & 59 seconds, today)... when she called me, at 8:17 AM... She asked me how my scheduled date for yesterday, went... and I told her there was a 'no show'... in Newark, NJ... 
Another part of the discussion, involved me reminding her that my deceased dad... was like a 'resistor,' that obstructs current (which electricity, is)... Due to my dad's former demand for subservience, from his family members... and the impositions, he made... I say this. ...had it not been for my pushing myself in track and field, since the 4th grade... I likely would not have had the charge necessary, for a number of my academic accolades (in the context, of the aforementioned)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Water conducts electricity...
NOTE #2:
8:56 AM (4/8/23):
The world record in the mile, is 3:43:13... held by Hicham El Guerrouj, and set on July 7, 1999... in Rome, Italy...

8:02 AM (4/8/23):
[Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man... has no place, to lay his head..."] - Luke 9:58
2,000 years ago or so, why did 'they' call the 'Son of God, the 'Son of Man'... Perhaps such was due to patriarchy..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Perhaps this is a sign, that Jesus Christ ('God the Son') was a 'wanderer'... and had tremendous spiritual fortification, that permitted Him to perform several miracles... partially due, to that degree... of adversity, which resulted in spiritual growth...
8:06 AM (4/8/23):
8:15 AM (4/8/23):

(some canned, peppered salmon cuts... from 6:59 AM... today - 4/8/23)
I whipped this out, after finding that a plastic cup of 'foul milk,' was being served at my dominion... along with a 'stale bread slice,' as opposed to the fresh bread slices that were still packaged in plastic wrap (but which the 'server woman' refused to get, for me)

7:28 AM (4/8/23):
"Interesting video of a dude, waking up... in his NYC apartment..." - Michael Izuchukwu
I probably would be inclined to travel to New York City more often, if I actually had 'business' there... or was prompted to do so, by relatives (who live there)...
8:35 AM (4/8/23);
iits_mack (@iits_macck) | TikTok (a dude talks about something that happened, in New York)

1:22 AM (4/8/23):
Facebook -
"Interestingly, Niels Bohr won the Nobel Prize in Physics... the year after Albert Einstein..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:09 AM (4/8/23):
"If humans confirmed that we (collectively, as the Homo Species) are 'not alone' in the cosmos, what would be the response...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

"Intriguing video, of Tobey Maguire ('alias/nickname of Peter Parker') breaking things... in a movie..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:54 AM (4/8/23):
Facebook -
"Interesting video of an African American woman singing, while cooking eggs..." - Michael Izuchukwu




2. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz311) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

3. Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (



10:35 AM (4/8/23):

Dovanie. (@dovanieee) | TikTok 
A female who views 'college admissions,' like Pokemon card selections...



Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:

How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (

[visit an internet browser such as 'Google Chrome,' on a cell phone... and via the URL address bar ('at the top')... enter ''... to interact with the posted URL addresses, cellularly]


1. Dr. Thea Kozakis 🌅 (@theakozakis) / Twitter

2. Charlie Dai (@Charlie_S_Dai) / Twitter

3. Bianca Peters (@BIANCApeters8) / Twitter

4. Christian Taylor (@Taylored2jump) / Twitter


5. Michael Izuchukwu (@11TJK11) / Twitter  


5:17 PM (10/29/22):
INSIDE New York’s Most BEAUTIFUL Neighborhood - YouTube (5:12-8:16)

"I infrequently go to New York City, NY, via the train... but if and when I do, and such is for 'recreational purposes'... when dining, eating tantalizing, fancy pizza... is something, I tend to entertain..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:57 PM (10/29/22):
My NJ Apartment Tour: $5,400 /Month | Dream Apartment - YouTube

"Interesting video of a dude, in a 'costly' apartment... Perhaps such is partially attributable, to where such is situated ('the view,' for instance)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:29 PM (10/29/22): 

"One can 'work for the spirit,' or 'work for the world'... but arguably and indisputably, working for 'the former'... is intrinsically more rewarding, in the long-term... all the dividends may take time, to be apparent and resounding... given that such could be likened, to a 'compounding effect'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(compound interest formula)
When one 'works for the spirit,' if done genuinely... the feedback one receives, could be likened to the nature of compounding interest... but only if a number of checkpoints, have been met... within 'alloted time windows'... given that the phrase 'Carpe diem (seize the day)'... is of tremendous significance, when seeking to walk along a path... that is aligned with getting to heaven, via 'natural means'...

4:40 PM (10/29/22):
"Walking along a spiritual path, without straying... requires great sacrifice, and perseverance... One must endure a series of trials and tribulations, via involuntary and voluntary... suffering... before one receives feedback, that is of greater quality... and quantity..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


4:12 PM (10/29/22):


Usain Bolt’s 9.58 the night he obliterated the 100-meter world record:

Usain Bolt Lifestyle 2022 | Records, Children, Net Worth, Family, Girlfriends, House & Biography - YouTube


3:12 PM (10/29/22):

ويك اند مع عائلتي 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 - YouTube [Video title: 'Weekend with my family' (Arabic translation, via 'Google Translate')] - NOTE: I don't know the Arabic alphabet; I have elementary understanding... of the geometric representation, of the letters...

"As of 1:52 PM today, I concluded that something about ‘food, body language, clothes and chi (life force)'… makes them constitute the essential components, for ‘transcendence’… via the spirit… In the context of the planet we live on, in which there are over 6,500 spoken languages... across 195 countries... when contrasting cultures and societies, intersect/interact... those 'four' variables, seem to be resonant/salient... regarding that, which makes 'outsiders'... seem relatable...

...given that the message of Jesus Christ, is universal... for all human beings... the Holy Spirit likely can be ascertained, via the aforementioned factors..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:22 PM (10/29/22):


2:58 PM (10/29/22):

Applications to HBCUs rise dramatically as nationwide college enrollment falls - YouTube
"I was watching some 'recent news' online, moments ago... and stumbled upon this video... At 1:26-1:36, I was wondering if such is the 'same person'... over time's passage..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:57 AM (10/29/22):

HUSBAND VS SISTER!!! // First CHALLENGE see who wins! - YouTube (2:00-3:14)

"Entertaining video... The young boy kind of looks like a 'male, child version'... of the comedian, Wanda Sykes..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Wanda Sykes (@iamwandasykes) / Twitter

"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child... is..." - Yoda

"The mom looks like a 'Caucasian/white' version... of my younger cousin, Niama Allen..." - Michael Izuchukwu (see: 11:10-11:20 of the above video)

Niama Allen - About Me (


9:16 AM (10/29/22):

"...'Prince of Darkness (P.O.D.)' Save America, perhaps...?" 

Biden, Pelosi 'destroyed' the American dream for Hispanics: Monica De La Cruz - YouTube (1:53-2:06) 


11:01 PM (1/23/22): "In the anime TV series Dragonball Z, Goku had to traverse a path known as 'Snake Way' to train at a planet, where the gravity was ten times that of Earth's... Such belonged to King Kai, and I surmise such is a metaphor for pathways... for 'asymptotic aging,' in spacetime... From a statistical standpoint, such is not a natural phenomenon... and requires great effort and creativity... on behalf, of the ager..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:17 PM (1/23/22): "I need to get to heaven, and I want to optimize my odds... what can I do, to achieve this...?" - Grocery Woman

11:19 PM (1/23/22): "Well, Grocery Woman... You will have to take the right course of actions, in accordance with the variables of the spirit, mind and body... to ensure that as you progress through spacetime, those three terms... continue to advance (in the context, of their capacities)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:49 AM (1/24/22): "After Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, ‘He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight’…” – Acts 1:9

"This biblical passage is in reference to Jesus Christ's ascent to heaven, 40 days after His Resurrection... A theory of mine, is that since clouds are made of water... and Jesus Christ had exclaimed, 'I thirst,' when on the cross... that His ascent was partially attributable, to His ability to defy spacetime... via some understanding of higher dimensions, He likely had held..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:56 AM (1/24/22): "There are many ways to move through spacetime, but the shortest path between two points... is a straight line... A Greek mathematician by the name of Archimedes, was the first to formulate... this concept, which was demonstrated by Usain Bolt... when he broke the world record in the 100-meter dash, in Berlin, Germany... in 2009, with a time of 9.58 seconds..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:58 AM (1/24/22): "In the scheme of things, when runners line up... in preparation for a race to begin... there are many variables, which refine how prepared each one is; a backstory that can shed light on who may have the best chance of victory... One person could have had adequate hydration and sleep, while another could have been partying the night before... making the prospect of success, distinct for each individual... from a statistical standpoint..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(100-meter final - Berlin, Germany 2009)

9:07 AM (1/24/22): "Elite athletes typically take measures to be at the top of their game, in midst of 'international-level competitions'... A performance could be the reflection, of many units that were working together... as the foundation, for the 'structure' that is seen... when one athlete is distinctly ahead, of the rest... Such can be an indication, that his/her spiritual fortification... exceeds that, of the others..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Xmen: First Class Super Theme Song - YouTube 

9:14 AM (1/24/22): "Willpower is an aspect, of 'the spirit'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Dark Knight Rises - The Climb [HD] - YouTube



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