An artistic depiction, of Jesus Christ... on Mars (while transporting, 'a sheep') 9. 5:00 PM (7/23/24): "Get busy living, or get busy... ...dying..." - Andy Drufesne "Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying" - YouTube (0:00-0:15) "...and that means, what... to me...?" - Car Repair Dude ('paraphrasing') Alien Battleship Approaches | Men in Black (1997) | Now Playing - YouTube (2:09-2:22) NOTE: 'T403' John Izuchukwu - Core Devices Inc. - Accidents / Injuries / Safety Expert Witness ( 8. 10:04 AM (7/23/24): China loses maths Olympiad to US but genius student Shi Haojia remains on top of the game | South China Morning Post ( When I read this article, I thought to myself... 'this kid (Shi Haojia)' is 'going places'... Hidden figures : Their calculations Rewrote History #movie #hiddenfigures #topshorts #shorts ( Sticking around, till humans have the technological capability... ...of reac...